It's been a while since the last post so here's an update! I got swamped at work during August because two employee's took a month off and I wasn't able to get out as much as i would've liked to. Then fall came around and it was time to return to leavenworth. The first trip back was with a bunch of guys from the WRG, and it was a first time outside on the granite for many in the group.
After this trip I returned with a friend from the WRG and met up with Dom and Micah and some sick probs went down. For this vid, go to I left my camera at home because I thought that I would be to busy spotting but I was wrong and henceforth will never leave home without it. This last trip my sister, Lisa, made a surprising debut. She was able to do almost all the moves of Hanta Man(V9) and almost sent the proj. @ the sword boulders just left of The Classic. Another leavenworth video should be up within a couple days. Some insight on future videos, there should be some vids of the local ABS comps coming up and mabey one or two in Leavenworth!
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