Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chulich's Again

This past weekend the WRG Climbing team sent 7 competitors down to the Circuit Bouldering Gym in Portland OR for ABS Regionals. It was a fun day with lots of hard sick problems. At the end of the day Jimmy came away with a third place finish and Lisa, his sister, an impressive close second place finish in her age group. The WRG climbing team as a whole took 9th out of 16 teams. Good job everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This season the team consisted of a lot of beginner climbers who have gained the necessary experience and I'm looking forward to seeing them crush next season . The weather has been rather unusually sunny so i might get a chance to catch few falls and snag a few 12s soon. Vid. of this weekend coming soon!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Congrats on making nationals again, dude!

Sierra says that WRG is looking for summer workers, 'm looking into it. ^_^;;

Hopefully it'll warm up sometime and we can all hit some real rock :D

~Andrew Hou