Class was cancelled due to the professor being out of town so what better thing to do than go bouldering, right? I was able to find Kevin with an open day in his work Schedule and it was a go. Also, Miles and some of his friends were going to meet us up at the 5-star. After a quick interaction with State Patrol, we made our way to the 5 star boulders which still has an erie silence around due to the lack of ORV/tricked out Jeeps going by. We warmed up on the V2 arete once again taking the whimp low exit due to the ever-present moss encroaching on the full version.
Now it was time for buisness. Kevin and I had previously vistited the boulder over summer, and left two projects unfinished. After a couple warm up burns Kevin dispatched Sobriosity V6 and then I got to work on Ebriosity V11. After falling off the finish move twice, I re-sussed my beta a handful of times and sent next burn! SWEET! Both of our porjects went! Next Miles arivved with Jared and Louis. Miles got to work on Ebriosity and Jared did and did. He sent in a couple burns as well. Meanwhile after a warm up burn on the first move of Ross Bongo V8-, I sent it and it felt extremely easy?!? Kevin said so at least (I guess I was in sport mode last time or the 80 degree heat).
It started to heat up a little and so Miles Suggested the river boulders and so we headed on down. Last time, Meg Kevin and I checked the boulders out and they looked awesome. First up was Hagakure V8 and it is a two mover that is definitely friction dependent, winter? So next we migrated on down to Chutzpa V11. This is a classic water pollished line that requires some serious core. After getting som beta from Miles we managed to get to the top out(crux) quickly and then began sessioning. After a couple good goes I found my sequence and came within 1 wrap of the victory crimp! Now I have tow climbs that I'm one away from doing! And Back at the 5 star, Kevin almost flashed Green Padded Ass V6 but skipped the crucial crimp and sent a few goes later! Here is the UNEDITTED footage of the almost flash and the send of Ebriosity.
(Videos coming, Library too slow)