Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Leavenworth: Still not Fall...

With sweat starting to form on my back from hiking around in full sun up granite pillows, I realized that Fall has yet to return to Leavenworth. The drive to the end of Icicle Road was surround by the changing leaves though. Friday I made my first solo trip to Leavenworth to get a campsite for the family for the weekend. After setting up camp it was high noon and a good 80 degrees. Not motivated I drove to the end of Icicle and looked for some new rock. Didn't find much besides a handful of V0's but I look forward to the road opening back up in 2011 and for all the underbrush/rattlesnakes to disappear which will make searching easier.

Well I decided I shoudn't waste all day and decided to tie up some more loose ends on the Millennium Boulder. After warming up on the easy climbs I gave 2001, a crimpy V4, a go and managed a quick send. Up next was the Milennium Traverse V8 and after a couple burns sent as well. And since I was parked by the Lonely Fish boulder I meandered on over to Dirty Dude and after many a burn remembered my beta and got so close to the crimp once again yet fell short. So I then decided to trek up the hill to Droppin' the Kirshbaum V10. After trying the start I did the first move! Progress! Then I sussed it out some more and found my super toe hook and worked my way to the cool pinch in the guide book picture. Next I climbed the tree and worked on the final sloper traverse, making it half way. A few tries later I linked everything together falling two moves short of the top out section! I called it good and packed up and headed back to the camp site to make a fire in only two tries(with lots of pine needles)!
Saturday and Sunday were spent mostly messing around on easier stuff. My skin was dead and my muscles were achy so I decided I'll just come back next weekend. Lisa and David Allwine met us up there and David came amazingly close on Back Door Ass Attack Low V8 but couldn't pull the mantel. Lisa and Jack also came close on Pimpsqueak V9 but just needed some better friction. I'm excited for this weekend which has better temps in the forcast but rain for Sunday, we'll see...

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