Monday, October 25, 2010

Gold Bar: Return to the River

It's been awhile since we went due to our comp so here's an overview with pictures coming soon!
On Sunday, Lisa David Allwine, and My Mom all headed out to the Gold Bar. Our first stop was the Index River Boulders. After doing some cool warm ups Lisa and David began sessioning Lego My Ego V7. The plan was to stay only an hour so I could finish off Chutzpah V11 and then head over to the east side for David's and Lisa's projects. Well when the hour was up Lisa and David were still on Lego! So we eventually meandered on down to the river and I sent Chutzpah, which seemed rather easy, first go of the day. Up next was the V8 and after some good attempts sent as well! Next up was Flower V8 and it kicked me but Lisa fell off the finish!
Lisa and Mom hiked back up to the car for Lunch and meanwhile David returned to Lego and sent! Good day, I then followed suit and joined him atop the boulder. We then decided to go to the 5 star since Lisa never been. It was a good descion. Lisa sent the 5 star arete V6 in a couple burns. I then sent Kambucha V7 and Ground Zero V8. Both David and Lisa seshed Ross Bongo V8 and will definitely send next trip. All in all it was another good trip to one of the most scenic bouldering areas of Washington. We also stopped off at Zeke's burger joint, a little pricy, a little greasy, very good!

Now I plan on watching the Leavenworth weather and begin some finger training for BISHOP!

1 comment:

NM said...

Crimp hard down in the High Sierra! my friend, SO proud of all your success Jimmy. Keep trying hard.