Tuesday, September 15, 2009

More Boulders

Wow, Yelm is turning out to be a hot spot for a bunch of so so boulders. Today, I wanted to go back down to last place off of the paved road, but the gate was open so it was a no go. There was one other access gate owned by Warehouser closer to the main highway. so after riding around on different trails for an hour, I found two pretty cool/solid boulders with a dozen or so easy problems. It probably has about a 25min. bike approach on flat gravel and maybe a 30min(probally less) walk on ATV trails. Brush will come this winter once huntin' season is over. The rock isn't conglomerate which is nice. just a quick update... -jimmy

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1 comment:

Micah Bryan Humphrey said...

Nice Jimmy! Keep searching bro. That king line is out there somewhere.